Mobile Apps for Zoetis (Former Pfizer Animal Health)
321Ace built an iPhone, iPad, Android Smartphone, Android Tablet apps for Zoetis.
These apps provide fast and easy access to Zoetis Product inserts, Material Data Safety Sheets, internal and external links to associations. The apps make it easy to access certain veterinary services and get in touch with emergency response personnel.
Zoetis can alter the Product Inserts, Material Data Safety Sheets and links presented in the app in real time.
The success of Phase 1 for iPhone and iPad apps resulted in Phase 2 where 321Ace built the Android apps.
About Zoetis
Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes a diverse portfolio of animal health medicines and vaccines designed to meet the real-world needs of veterinarians and the livestock farmers and companion animal owners they support. Zoetis sells it’s products in over 120 countries, has approximately 10,000 employees and had an annual revenue of $4.8 billion in 2014.
The Challenge
Zoetis wanted to provide easy access to reference documents with the ability to get in touch with someone fast for veterinary services or other emergency situations from one central location that is always accessible. The reference information was constantly being updated and Zoetis wanted to make sure their customers are always getting access to the latest information.
The Solution
321Ace created iPhone and iPad applications that made it easy for Zoetis customers to gain easy access to Product Inserts, Material Data Safety Sheets, and associations via links.The powerful search functionality of the app makes it easy for users to find the exact information they are looking for. Print and email functionality ensures that users can refer to the information later in manner that is suitable for them. Since it is critical to ensure that the information that is provided from this app is update, the app updates itself by frequently checks with a back-end system maintained by Zoetis.
The success of Phase 1 of this app gave way to a Phase 2 where 321Ace developed Android Smartphone and Tablet applications.